
I've been tagged by Joshy & Belle, you have to mention six unimportant things you love, link to the person who tagged you and then tag six further bloggers, so here goes...

1. I love sitting quietly at home happy with my own company.

2. I totally love crocheting and am very impatient to finish one project before starting another that I normally have 3 on the go at once.

3. I love Blogging - I only started to find out what all the fuss was about and now I try to blog every day. It's mostly about me and my family but also about my craft projects and of course HSMSHS.
There are so many talented people out there with great blogs to read.

4. I would really love to give up work and be a SAHM. I could easily find things to do to fill my days.

5. I would love to be better at photography and have learnt one important thing so far. READ THE MANUAL!!!!!

6. Family - I would love to be closer to them all but unfortunately work keeps us apart. Who knows.....maybe one day :)








  1. Interesting to see that we do have a few things in common. SAHM means a full time job that you don't get paid for!


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