Pink Saturday

Hello again and welcome to my pink offering for Saturday. Yesterday my lovely hubby came home with more flowers. This time he chose these fantastically colourful roses. And guess what happened to be hiding in the middle? Yep three dark pink roses. Perfect for today's pinkness.
Aren't they fabulous? They have pride of place in my living room. I'll need a bigger room soon as I still have flowers from almost a fortnight ago :)

My last pinkies this week are my old faithful socks and my crochet. I'm hoping to get a lot more of BFB (Big Family Blanket) done in the next two weeks as the schools are now on holiday and as I don't work the school hols I have lots of time off. Here's hoping :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting again this week. I haven't visited any new blogs this week but will try to make an effort before next week come around.


  1. Roses are always beautiful - and yours are special. Thank you for sharing them.

    Have a happy pink saturday & a lovely week.
    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  2. Those are gorgeous flowers from your hubby. The blanket looks wonderful too. Cute socks, Liz.

  3. Hi Liz,
    What lovely roses. You have a very sweet hubby. I am totally taught yourself to crochet. Wow, that is wonderful. Thank you for sharing on this wonderful Pink Satruday. Have a great weekent.


  4. Don't you just love roses? Yours are gorgeous. That blanket looks great and so do the socks. :)))Have a nice rest of the day

  5. Can't think of anything better than roses, how about a husband coming home with roses!! That is wonderful, Happy PInk Saturday, Char

  6. Love your pink toes!!!!
    Thanks for sharing for lovely bouquet!

  7. How I love pink roses! I'm happy to see that you crochet. I've been crocheting for 17 years. I bet you have yummy selection of nice wools over there. I love working with sock weight merino wool.

    Thanks for stopping by...I'm always happy to see your smiling face. :0)

    Have a great PiNk Saturday,

  8. that blanket if looking scrummy and the pink rose is amasing happy pink saturday

  9. Hi, Liz! It's so nice to meet you, and I love, love, LOVE Scotland! You are living in one of my favorite places on earth. The nice thing about these Meme days is that you get to meet people from all over the world. I have thoroughly enjoyed that. Looking forward to blogging with you.

    Nice socks and roses, BTW!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  10. What a sweet hubby to bring you flowers. The blanket looks so cozy. Love your socks!
    Hugs and glitter,

  11. Roses are my favorite! You look warm and cozy with your cute socks and lovely crochet afgan!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Bee Blesssed,

  12. The flowers are so pretty - good for your husband! And that blanket is going to be lovely. Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  14. Lovely Pink Saturday post and sweet blog, too. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground so even thought this isn't Saturday I really needed a boost! Today you made me smile...

    Sorry, I didn't get to see everyone yesterday. I had important business. My 11 year-old grandson was playing football and he wanted Mimi to go to the out-of-town-last-of-the-season-game. THEY WON AGAINST AN UNDEFEATED TEAM! WOO-HOO! 35 - 17☺

    Hope the coming week blesses you with sunshine, happiness and good friends.

  15. Liz, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments!

    Love the flowers . . . it's always so nice to have fresh ones in the house. Those socks are wonderful and look real cozy! Love your crocheting and hope you get lots done!

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!


  16. Beautiful flowers. The is nothing cozier than a handmade blanket.
    Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"


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