HSMSHS - Award

Oh I'm so lost without my camera :(
I've had to trawl through all my old photos to find one that's fitted today's prompt of Award. I finally found one though and it's of John getting his Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 2004. Just one of many medals he has. Can't you tell I'm very, very proud of him?


  1. That's a lovely photo. You all look really happy.

  2. AS you should be!! Grats to your man. :o)

  3. Hi Liz - The Madonna CD is absolutely brilliant - I love it and I got it from BangCD.com which is even better as they are so cheap...x

  4. fantastic photo Liz you look so much like Ruth in that one:)

  5. You and your family are very beautiful. You should be proud of your husband's service and I hope he is also.


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