Pink Saturday with a twist

Week 2 - Show us one of your favorite holiday decorations, and tell us why it is special to you.

That for me would have to be our Fairy. She sat at the top of our tree for all the Christmases I can remember as a kid. She was bought by my Mum at a wives club coffee morning in the 1960s and has graced us every year since. She once had a friend who was a Mrs Claus but she has long since gone onto pastures new. Fairy is made from crepe paper, a piece of lace and has pipe cleaner arms and legs. She was white once but now has that vintage look going on. Her face is still remarkably well intact even if her glittery bits have fallen off along the way. She now lives in London with my sister but last year made the 600 mile trip to Scotland to be part of the family Christmas.

Thank you to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting this Christmas get together. I hope you're all having a very festive Pink Saturday


  1. What a cute guardian for your Christmas tree. Thank you for the holiday wishes and may your Christmas be bright and a joyous one!

  2. What a lovely,sweet fairy. She's just beautiful. Happy Pinks and have a great weekend.

  3. She is so beautiful.. what a lovely post... Happy Pink Saturday.... have a great weekend.


  4. I think she's charming, Liz! Is this the self same fairy that came with Ruth to visit you last Christmas in Scotland? I just caught her on your sister's blog. Part of my post is devoted to Ruth and the concertina I won from her. I'm enjoying thinking of how I want to stage the pics of my godchildren to place in there.


    Sheila :-)

  5. Oh, and Happy Pink Saturday!


    Sheila :-)

  6. What a lovely fairy and such a lovely memory

  7. Oh, that is so lovely that she made a trip to be in Scotland. Your fairy is lovely, and she looks very loved. Such a special fairy.


  8. How absolutely and positively WONDERFUL! You know, I ♥ Pink Saturday but when you can pair it with Christmas - my gosh, what could be better? And, you did a marvelous job☺

    Loved your post today, just loved it. Wishing you a weekend filled with fun, family and friendship.

  9. It is great that your fairy travels! That you share her with siblings is sweet and quite remarkable. She reminds me of a set of doves that were at our wedding 30 years ago, and have graced our tree ever since. They look more like gray doves than the white ones they once were, but they are precious to us.

  10. What stamina because she sure has fared well. Sweet. Holiday huggies, Mollye

  11. Oh Liz...
    How beautiful is she. I love her little face. She has so many guarded prayers and secrets I am sure from all these years past. What a beautiful way to garnish the top of the tree. Does she get to come and live with you at one point and time? Is she like a traveling angel of sorts? I certainly can see why you love her.

    I loved your story, and I thank you so much for sharing with me today your special gift of love.

    Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you.

    Country hugs and much love sweetie...Sherry

  12. What a sweet and memorable treasure. Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas. Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. love the way you and ruth have shared the same memory and she is a fab fairy


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