Day 3 of 365

~^~ Back to normal ~^~


  1. Shame - you know I do not iron unless absolutely necessary and one of my friends doesn't even own an iron...x

  2. Oh Darn Liz Sweetie...
    Don't cha just hate it when we have to go back to being normal?

    Darn it. I am hoping you are getting your stength back and feeling better tho. I know you were under the weather during the holidays.

    How are the crafts coming along? I am working on a new project. I will be sharing soon, and I think you will love it.

    Happy Sunday sweetie. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Now this made me smile.....chores only wait so long......:-) Hugs

  4. That photo is sooo normal at my house! Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Patti

    looking forward to your photo a day!

  5. love that shot very cool made me chuckle:)


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