Fancy a cuppa?

Would you like a cuppa?  I've got coffee if you prefer.  So what have you been up too?

Sorry............. Don't go away but something has just come up and I need to pop out for a while.  I'll be a quick as I can :0)

So sorry about that but I forgot I had an appointment at the 'Wax shop' to get my eyebrows done.  Still I'm all done now so have a seat whilst I put the kettle on.

How have you been?  Not too bad?  That's good news.  How are we?  Oh were ticking along as usual.  The Teenager is in the middle of his Standard Grade exams and has done 4 with another 4 still to go.  I just wish he's do some revision.  Oh you have the same problem.  That makes me feel much better.  It's nice to know I'm not the only one talking to myself. Ha ha :0)
John is still looking for another job but is happy to plod along in Aberdeen until something turns up.  I keep asking him if there is anything going somewhere warmer like Australia or the US.  He says he'll keep looking. Me I'm still happy at the school.  I've been there 11 years now.  (Almost as long as I was in the Royal Air Force).  There always seems to be something going on and it's not too long now until the summer hols.

Have you got anything booked for your holidays yet?  Turkey, Rome, Spain?  Oh you're going to book last minute.  Very wise.  You get some good deals doing it that way.  We're off to Florida with my sister and her family.  I'm really looking forward to it although I worry my feet might complain about the amount of walking I'm doing after the first day or so.  I think it's going to be a busy two weeks.

Please have a brownie.  The Teenager made them this afternoon.  I thought it was about time he made some seeing as he's the one who eats them all.  Take two as they don't last long in this house.
Have you done much scrapping recently?  You have.  Oh you are good.  I'd love to see some layouts if you've got time.  I really should get back into doing some.  I've still got my France album to finish from 2011.  You've made me want to go and look out some pretty papers but as it's almost supper time I'll wait until tomorrow.

We're having homemade pizza for tea if you'd like to stay.  You would.  Oh good I'll get hubby to make up a few more.

I'm sharing my cuppa with Abi over at Creating Paper Dreams.  Pop over and say hi and maybe have a cuppa with a few more ladies.  The more the merrier.  Till next time.  Ta ta :0)


  1. I enjoyed that, nice to find out a little more about you....definitely take comfortable shoes. For Fflorida!
    Alison xx

  2. You've made me feel so very welcome! And the offer of extra brownies and then dinner to boot is very generous and tells me lots about you :). It has been lovely to pop in. Next time I'll be wanting to know how those preparations for the holidays are going, and I'd love to ask you about your present and past work too ... It has been lovely! And thank- you ...


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