
It was a sad day today.  We lost Moss.  He hadn't been well over the weekend and when I took him to the vet this morning the vet said he was really poorly and it would be best for him if we put him to sleep.  It was the most hideous thing I've ever had to do and I spent the next 12 hours crying.

We will miss him dearly as he has been part of our family for 11 years.

Photo taken on Saturday 31 May 2014


  1. He was loved very much and he had a good family to care for him too.x

  2. I'm so sorry to hear your news :(

  3. I'm really sorry to hear this Liz - I always enjoyed your posts that featured Moss.

  4. It is amazing how these fur babies, angels in fur pajamas get into our hearts. We just lost our 17 year cat 2 weeks back & I know what a hole Moss will leave in your life as our Pudding is leaving in ours. I am sending good thoughts your way.

  5. So sorry to hear that. He did not look very well in the earlier shot. Hugs from down here x

  6. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this - thinking of you all. We lost our dog Lucy over a year ago and it's still odd.


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