A Spring Day

The Teenager had airsoft today up in Spring, Tx.
Mum, John and I spent the day wandering around Old Town Spring
(which wasn't open till noon!!), having lunch at Texas Roadhouse
and walking off the lard in the Botanic Gardens.

 **  We checked out some of the shops (from the front as they were still closed) **

** Had to get a photo outside the Texas shop **

**  Mum managed to get a photo with her son-in-law.  Who very kindly stood for one photo!! **

**  And we found out where the Ghost Tour goes from.  Maybe next visit!!  **

**  Mum tried her first Margarita which she declared as "Bleurghhhhhh"  **

**  We discovered the Botanic Gardens where we spent a few hours walking off the lard from lunch and getting hotter by the minute.  **

**  Selfie time  **

**  Lovely gardens  **

**  The best bit.........the rocker on the porch next to the fans!!  **

All in all a great day out  :0)


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