Sugarland Memorial Park

Last weekend, as most of the local state parks were closed
for the "4th July Weekend "
we ended up at the 
Sugarland Memorial Park.

We took a picnic and sat in the shade.
Some of us happier than others at being out and about!!

We watched the locals fishing, running and cycling.
We looked at the view.

We went for a walk around the lakes.

Past the working windmill.  I love the eerie sounds they make in the wind.

up to the Veterans Memorial

and the Stars and Stripes

and came across the only alligator of the day!!

It's not a massive park, like some state parks and is a work in progress
but it passed a few hours out in the sunshine.


  1. Liked your photos but not sure about the alligator!

  2. Now where is that crown when you need it ... best kind of alligator. I like the stars & stripes built into the wall.

    1. I know MaryLou. The emergency Tiara was needed :0)


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