Me on a Monday - 20 May 2024

Another quiet week last week.  I can't believe it's only two weeks until I go back to work.  

In the op department, all went well, but now I have something else that needs looking at.  I had a physio appointment last week which ruled out anything muscular and I also have another scan on Thursday so fingers crossed it's something that is easily fixed.

How I wish this green view was in the country and not in a town.

The weather has been changeable this week with a few more sunny days.  Good for getting the washing out on the line and also for shed building.  It's finally taking shape and the thing is a monster!!

Plenty of dog walking, but I'll be glad to have the go ahead to get back to the gym so I can start building my strength up again.

I have been reading your blogs but get tired sitting at the PC for too long so I haven't left any comments.

Other than that it's been very quiet.  How was your week?


  1. I know this may sound odd or weird, but I know with horses, when one is coming back from injury, the theory is for every week off, it takes two weeks for that one to regain strength & fitness. You'll get there, just take your time & hopefully what ever is going on is easily fixed & not a set back. :)

  2. It always takes longer than you expect to recover so please don't push yourself too much. I'm sure the dogs are happy to help in providing extra dog walks!

  3. i'm having a great week so far, the weather here at the jersey shore has been wonderful!! i love the smell of fresh laundry off the clothes line, it really is lovely!!

  4. Take your time and recover fully. Don't go overboard. I know I kept trying to do things after COVID that I did prior to COVID and found I was not ready.

  5. It sounds like you had a productive and enjoyable week.


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